Category Archives: Uncategorized

No Need For Apologies Here!

Why do bloggers apologize for a lapse in activity? I work 50+ hour weeks outside of the home, I’m a wife, a mom, I have a home to keep up, I volunteer regularly,  and I workout 5 days a week. I understand priorities and, truth be told, I don’t have time to keep up my own blog much less keep up with reading the posts of all the other fabulous blogs I follow. I have no feelings of guilt over this, as much as I enjoy the blogosphere and social media, and I just don’t understand the need for anyone to apologize.  I consider it droll when posts are prefaced with such apologies, and honestly, I’d much prefer the author to jump right into more quality content than this. Time is always at a premium.

How do you feel about this? Do you consider it irksome or do you sympathize? Perhaps you can shed light on my own understanding of the matter… I look forward to hearing your input!

Bendi Baby Giveaway Winner


Congratulations are in order for Nina and her little ones on winning the Bendi Baby yoga mat giveaway!  I hope y’all get a great deal of enjoyment out of the new mat! 🙂